Whizdom is committed to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all its employees and contractors. Whizdom strives to ensure that people do not undertake work for which they are not suited and to take appropriate measures to allow work to be done in a manner which will not put them or any other person at risk.
In order for Whizdom to protect your health, safety and wellbeing, we request that you advise us of any previous, pre-existing injuries or health conditions that you are aware of.
This Pre-employment Health Declaration form will assist Whizdom in:
determining if the prospective contractor would be able to safely carry out the inherent requirements of the role
determining what reasonable adjustments could be made for the contractor to mitigate the risk of them sustaining further injury in the role
ensuring the workplace health and safety of the contractor and/or their co-workers
Whizdom can work with you and the host client, where applicable, to arrange reasonable adjustments where you have a pre-existing injury, illness and/or condition, including consideration to reasonable modifications to the environment.
All information received regarding pre-existing injuries and medical conditions are strictly confidential and is in keeping with Whizdom’s
Privacy Policy and Collection Notice